Joyce H. Matsumoto, MD
- Epilepsy Neurology|
- Pediatric Neurology
Joyce Matsumoto received Bachelor of Science degrees in Biology and Chemistry with a Biochemistry emphasis from Pacific Union College, then received her MD from Loma Linda University. She has been in the University of California system ever since, completing Neurology residency at UCLA, Epilepsy fellowship at UCSF, then returning to UCLA to join the Pediatric Neurology faculty.
She is the medical director of the UCLA Ketogenic diet therapies program, and is currently the director of the Pediatric EEG lab at Ronald Reagan and UCLA Santa Monica hospitals. Her research interests include exploring potential medical benefits of ketosis for conditions outside of epilepsy, as well as continuous EEG monitoring in critically ill patients.
Medical Board Certifications
Related Clinical Trials

Hospital Affiliations
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center
UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital
Medical Services
Areas of Focus
Ketogenic diet, Epilepsy, Continuous EEG monitoring
- Matsumoto J, Saver JL, Brennan KC and Ringman JM. Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy with Lactic Acidosis and Stroke (MELAS). Reviews in Neurological Diseases. 2005; 2: 30-34.
- Hemb M, Velasco TR, Parnes MS, Wu JY, Lerner JT, Matsumoto JH, Yudovin S, Shields WD, Sankar R, Salamon N, Vinters HV, Mathern GW. Improved outcomes in pediatric epilepsy surgery: the UCLA experience, 1986-2008. Neurology 2010;74(22):1768-75.
- Lerner JL, Matsumoto JH, Wu JY, “Infantile Spasms” In: Atlas of Video-EEG Monitoring, Editors: Sirven J and Stern J. 2010 McGraw Hill, p 329-340.
- Wu JY, Sankar R, Lerner JT, Matsumoto JH, VintersHV, Mathern GW. Removing interictal fast ripples on electrocorticography linked with seizure freedom in children. Neurology 2010.75(19):1686-94.
- Matsumoto JH and Lerner JT. “First steps toward epilepsy syndrome diagnosis” In Acute Seizures in Children in the Emergency Setting., Editors: Auvin S and Sankar R. 2013 John Libbey Eurotext, p
- Matsumoto JH, Caplan R, McArthur DL, Forgey MJ, Yudovin S, Giza CC. Prevalence of epileptic and nonepileptic events after pediatric traumatic brain injury. Epilepsy Behav 2013. 27(1) :233-237.
- Abend NS, Arndt DH, Carpenter JL, Chapman KE, Cornett KM, Gallentine WB, Giza CC, Goldstein JL, Hahn CD, Lerner JT, Loddenkemper T, Matsumoto JH, McBain K, Nash KB, Payne E, Sánchez SM, Fernández IS, Shults J, Williams K, Yang A, Dlugos DJ. Electrographic seizures in pediatric ICU patients: Cohort study of risk factors and mortality. Neurology 2013. 81(4):383-391.
- Sánchez SM, Arndt DH, Carpenter JL, Chapman KE, Cornett KM, Dlugos DJ, Gallentine WB, Giza CC, Goldstein JL, Hahn CD, Lerner JT, Loddenkemper T, Matsumoto JH, McBain K, Nash KB, Payne E, Sánchez Fernández I, Shults J, Williams K, Yang A, Abend NS. Electroencephalography monitoring in critically ill children: Current practice and implications for future study design. Epilepsia 2013. 54(8):1419-27
- Arndt DH, Lerner JT, Matsumoto JH, Madikians A, Yudovin S, Valino H, McArthur DL, Wu JY, Leung M, Buxey F, Szeliga C, Van Hirtum-Das M, Sankar R, Brooks-Kayal A, Giza CC. Subclinical early posttraumatic seizures detected by continuous EEG monitoring in a consecutive pediatric cohort. Epilepsia 2013Oct;54(10):1780-8.
- Sánchez Fernández I, Abend NS, Arndt DH, Carpenter JL, Chapman KE, Cornett KM, Dlugos DJ, Gallentine WB, Giza CC, Goldstein JL, Hahn CD, Lerner JT, Matsumoto JH, McBain K, Nash KB, Payne E, Sánchez SM, Williams K, Loddenkemper T. Electrographic seizures after convulsive status epilepticus in children and young adults. A retrospective multicenter study J Pediatr. 2013 Oct 22. S0022-3476(13)01155-4.
- Hussain SA, Shinnar S, Kwong G, Lerner JT, Matsumoto JH, Wu JY, Shields WD, Sankar R. Treatment of infantile spasms with very high dose prednisolone before high dose ACTH. Neurology, 2014 Jan;55(1):103-7.
Cobo N, Sankar R, Murata K, Sewak S, Kezele M, Matsumoto JH. The ketogenic diet as broad spectrum treatment for super-refractory pediatric status epilepticus: challenges in implementation in the pediatric & neonatal intensive care units. J Child Neurology. 2015 Feb; 30(2):259-66
Yang A, Arndt DH, Berg RA, Carpenter JL, Chapman KE, Dlugos DJ, Gallentine WB, Giza CC, Goldstein JL, Hahn CD, Lerner JT, Loddenkemper T, Matsumoto JH, Nash KB, Payne ET, Sánchez Fernández I, Shults J, Topjian AA, Williams K, Wusthoff CJ, Abend NS. Development and validation of a seizure prediction model in critically ill children. Seizure. 2015 Feb. 25:104-111
Prins ML, Matsumoto J. Metabolic response of pediatric traumatic brain injury. J Child Neurol. 2016; 31(1):28-34.
Hussain SA, Shin JH, Shih EJ, Murata KK, Sewak S, Kezele ME, Sankar R, Matsumoto JH. Limited efficacy of the ketogenic diet in the treatment of highly refractory epileptic spasms. Seizure. 2016; 35:59-64.
Hussain SA, Kwong G, Millichap JJ, Mytinger JR, Ryan N, Matsumoto JH, Wu JY, Lerner JT, Sankar R. Hypsarrhythmia assessment exhibits poor interrater reliability: A threat to Clinical trial validity. Epilepsia, 56(1):77–81, 2015. doi: 10.1111/epi.12861
Matsumoto JH, McArthur DL, Szeliga CW, Lerner JT, Rao LM, Hussain SA, Wu JY, Nuwer MR, Sankar R. Conductive Plastic Electrodes Reduce EEG Artifact During Pediatric ECMO Therapy. J Clin Neurophysiol. 2016 Oct;33(5):426-430.
Souza IA, Gandini MA, Zhang FX, Mitchell WG, Matsumoto J, Lerner J, Pierson TM, Zamponi GW. Pathogenic Cav3.2 channel mutation in a child with primary generalized epilepsy. Mol Brain. 2019 Oct 24;12(1):86.
Nariai H, Hussain SA, Bernardo D, Fallah A, Murata KK, Nguyen JC, Rajaraman RR, Rao LM, Matsumoto JH, Lerner JT, Salamon N, Elashoff D, Sankar R, Wu JY. Prospective observational study: Fast ripple localization delineates the epileptogenic zone. Clin Neurophysiol. 2019 Nov;130(11):2144-2152.
Yuliati A, Federman M, Rao LM, Chen L, Sim MS, Matsumoto JH. Prevalence of Seizures and Risk Factors for Mortality in a Continuous Cohort of Pediatric Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Patients. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2020 Nov;21(11):949-958. doi: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000002468. PubMed PMID: 32590832.
Vuong A, Fowler EG, Matsumoto J, Staudt LA, Yokota H, Joshi SH. Selective Motor Control is a Clinical Correlate of Brain Motor Tract Impairment in Children with Spastic Bilateral Cerebral Palsy. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2021 Nov;42(11):2054-2061. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A7272. Epub 2021 Sep 30. PubMed PMID: 34593378; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8583266
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